1) Integrating Inquiry based problems, assignments, Labs and Test into their Lesson Plan.

2) Incorportating assignments that call for students to consistently practice study skills.

3) Stimulating the AP Biology testing environment.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Blog 22 Senior Project Reflection

(1) Positive StatementWhat are you most proud of in your Block Presentation and/or your senior project? Why? 
I am proud of the awesome lesson plans I created for both of my Independent components and the how well my activity flowed with my Block Presentation
(2) Questions to Consider
A. What assessment would you give yourself on your Block Presentation (self-assessment)?

B. What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?

My Mentorship with Mr. Pittman was amazing he helped me come with all my answers not by telling me what he thinks about my EQ but instead showed me by just teaching his class like any good AP Biology teacher would. He was an amazing AP Biology teacher just by the test score distributions that he did with a mock test in his class showing that none of his students scored a 1 and only 3 out of  60 students scored a high 2 that could easily get boosted up to a 2 and get a passing grade.

(4) (What didn't work) 

If you had a time machine, what would have you done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
I would have chosen this amazing topic in the first place so that I would have a lot more foundation research. I would also wanted to focus on reading a variety of sources not only from journals and book this could have help me have better research to present in my final presentation. Last a main problem with me is that I have my presentation practiced but I get really nervous and forgot to state as many sources as I wanted to so that all my answers made sense and why I logically choose  them

(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples.

I have gained a love for science freshman year but felt like I was in a sense to stupid to go into a career in that field but thanks to my senior project I had to read and comprehend complicated concepts of AP Biology and destroyed that idea giving me the confidence to pursue a future career in Science maybe as a Bio engineer or Microbiologist. My senior Project also help me think about how amazing my science teachers at iPoly have been and made me think about going into a teaching career so I could pass on my love for Biology onto the new generation of great scientists 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Blog 21 Mentorship


Contact Name and mentorship place

Anthony  Pittman. AP Biology /Physiology teacher at Ayala High School in Chino Hills.


What is the most important thing your gained from this experience? Why?

I have gained the ability to keep in constant contact with people. At the beginning of mentorship I never updated my mentor and just came whenever. Near the middle around January he recommended that I send him weekly updates on my senior project.


How has what you done help to answer your EQ? Explain?

My mentorship gave me the opportunity to follow around a teacher an observe how he prepares his students for the AP Biology exam. Mr. Pittman helped me think of most of my answer through the things that he did in his classroom or the resources he gave to me. Each answer lead back to a way that he prepared his students for the AP Biology exam.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog 20 Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question and answers?  What is your best answer and why?

My essential question is How can a AP Biology teacher best prepare a students for the AP Biology Examination. I will like to clear that I would like my students not just pass but scores 4s and 5s and receive college credit  My first answer is Integrating Inquiry based problems, assignments, Labs and Test into their Lesson Plan. My second answer is Incorporating assignments that call for students to consistently practice study skills. My third answer is Administrating Mock test so that students confidence are boost. My best answer is my first answer interrogating Inquiry based assignments,Labs and test into a their lesson plan. This is my best answer based on my mentorship experience and research I did during the year. In the AP. Biology exam students can get a good amount of points on the handwritten part of the test, These question incorporate logical thinking to receive all the possible points. An example would be like so" If your previous knowledge on light says that the colors you see is energy not being absorbed by the object then would it be logical to think that for plants with black leaves are more energy efficient than plants with green leaves" The prompt above will then be followed by questions relating to the prompt like " Where would this plant thrive and why" and " Explain the limitations of plants having black leaves being placed in a environment that it is not suited for." These question then make the student make logical connections to the many units they discuss throughout the year like for the second question a student could go back and recall cell biology and note the plant may evaporate more water quickly due to the increase amount of energy heating up the plant but could also say that the increase in heat could uncatalyze the protein in the plant making the plant not allowing cells to adsorb the proteins needed for cellular homeostasis. The students use inquiry based thought to connect what they have learn on two different units that they learned separated. Research wised I found that according to the University of Arizona that students scores increased in data and statistical analysis problems by 30% when compared to students who did not have teacher incorporate inquiry based lessons. This is another big point to mention sense mathematics were introduce last year to the AP Biology exam and was in the top 3 subcategories that students struggle in the AP Biology exam. Focusing on Inquiry will directly help the students on the sections that students struggle in.

(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?

Well I started mentorship with a working EQ and I asked my mentor Mr. Pittman what ways does he believe that teacher can increase students test scores. He answered by saying that a problem with getting a concise answer to that question is that the AP Biology standard change about 1 year ago and teachers are still trying to figure out how to improve their scores but I looked at the AP Biology exam last year and notice that the question were inquiry based question, so a teacher who focuses on that type of lesson plan could help improve test scores. I then asked the iPoly Biology teachers Mrs. Cancino and Mrs Shiller if they had any research on Inquiry based learning, both gave me great sources that I then used to start crafting my first and ultimately my best answer to my EQ.

(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?

The main problem that I face other than switching my topic after all the foundation research was done was that I found it difficult to find research on my second and third answers. The way I resolve that problem was that I went to my advisory teacher Mrs. Pittman and we discuss where can i start my research on these two answers for the second she said look up graphic organizers and for my third look up re leaving test anxiety. Then after that if I couldn't find research then i asked my fellow peers if I could use any research the coincide with the two answers that needed my printed research.

(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

My Mentor Mr. Pittman uses all three of my answers which lead me to start crafting each individual answers based on the teaching techniques that he performed. Then my second best source was The California Science teacher  educational Journals, these journal each individually have about 5-6 article focusing on different aspects of the topic that journal is covering. I used two this year " The Nature of Science and Inquiry based leaning" and "Depth versus Breath." Each article that I read in these journals have some aspect that I could tie directly into my answers .

Friday, April 25, 2014

Blog 19 Independent component 2


A ) I, Alejandro Espinoza, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

B ) The sources I used for my independent component were My Mentor Mr. Pittman he showed me his lesson plan and his test. The Campbell AP Biology book, this helped me work on the worksheets to make my lesson plan. And the POGIL Activities for AP Biology workbook, this is were Mr.Pittman got his packets to give to his students and what I worked on to study the material.

C ) Okay Done.

D ) So for my independent component I decided to do the sections of the book that Mr. Pittman went over after the time I got my independent component approved. The sections I did the were evolution, the endocrine system the nervous system and the immune system the last sections Mr. Pittman covered this year.

Here is the link to the Google doc containing pictures of some of the worksheets I worked on to learn the about evolution and the bodies systems.


Here is the time in which I will tackle these four sections as one whole unit within a 4 week Block schedule Unit with a test on the last day and some time for review.



My component helped my understand my topic more by basically showing me what teacher have to do when planning a new lesson. I understand that the teacher must follow certain lab requirements for the AP Biology standards so I couldn't put in my own created Inquiry based labs but I can put in Inquiry based assignments.Yet again I learned that the effort that a teacher put into his work will directly reflect how the students will do on their exam and eventually their final AP Biology Examination. I also learned that an AP Biology teacher must put focus on the topics of each sections that will be directly on the exam.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview

1. What is the best way to prepare a student for the AP Biology examination.

2. What is your opinion on Inquiry based activities being an important part of a teacher's lesson plan to prepare a student for the AP Biology exam.

3. What is your opinion on consistently making student practice study skills to help them prepare for the AP Biology exam

4. What is your opinion on focusing a lesson on a goal orientated activities such as a notebooks or a report that is collected at the end of the unit.

5.  How much do you focus on the AP Biology book to help you teach your students the content they need to know that you didn't have time or a concept that goes more in depth in the book.

6. If the AP Biology standards changes and you have to make a new lesson plan how would you tackle a new concept.

7. Test are important to see how much knowledge the student has gained and comprehended. How do you structure your test , do you include essays multiple choice, fill in the blank and what style of question do you believe show the student comprehended the full concept.

8. Do you believe that testing a students knowledge through hands on exams, such as practicals are more effective than a written test if so why if not why not?

9. Science is known as a social experience how much do you interact with other teachers to help get ideas for lessons labs etc.

10. Homework is important to keep the students mind consistently refresh and practicing skills. How often do you give homework and how much do you usually give.

11. What skills, such as studying techniques and time management, do you expect your students to already mastered by the time they first enter your AP Biology class.

12. What skills do you expect your students to obtain after taking your AP Biology class.

13. In my research I keep on hearing an idea of direct instruction which is a way of teaching in which the teacher lectures for most of the class how often do you use this technique.

14. In your past years as a science teacher how often dis you use inquiry based labs and assignment, such as case studies to help teach your students the concepts at hand.

15. How much do you go out of your required job to help the students prepare for the AP Biology exam, such as study sessions and/or Saturday mock test sessions.

16. My Mentor has a mindset in which for a student to do well while taking the exam they must examine the exam and see how would an AP Biology teacher grade the test. How often do you try to teach your students test taking skills such as practice on writing a rubric for an essay.

17. My Mentor believes that the answer to question #1 is to teach the students to learn for themselves. Personally do you believe that the answer he gave is a great answer if not why?

18. Knowing who the student and their habits is important  how much time do you put on knowing each students and their individual habits so that they can do better on the AP Biology examination.

19. How do you structure your class to meet both the common core standards and the AP Biology standard. Do you always keep this structure if not why.

20. Sense you also teach Honors Biology do you have a higher standard for students who already took your class and why?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blog 18 Third answer


How can an AP Biology teacher best prepare a student for the AP Biology Examination?

Answer 3

Give frequent mock test to decrease test anxiety.


My mentor Mr. Pittman gives test that consists of actual test questions from the AP Biology exam. His test are harder than the actual test so that when the students take the actual exam they are fully prepare for the Exam.

My Fourth Interviewee talked about how she makes test that consist of all parts of  the AP biology  exam. She gives the students a lot of questions that can't be answered with the time allotted this helps the student prepare for time management when taking the AP Biology Examination

Research Sources

Mentor Mr. Pittman
Fourth Interview Mrs Ramirez AP Biology at Pomona Catholic High School. 

Concluding Statement 

Mocking the Ap Biology exam help the student reduce their testing anxiety which on the day of will help them score a 4 or 5 on the Exam.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Blind Boat Maker - A Story About Failure.

Hello readers so today at mentorship my mentor, Mr. Pittman and I were talking about different topics related to what he is teaching in his class at the moment. We eventually got into a talk about genes and Mr. Pittman talked to me about a book called the "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins the book goes into depth on what evolution is. The story that Mr. Pittman brought up was the Blind Watchmaker but instead of going in depth on the story he said that he didn't like the way the story describes evolution. So he decided to change it to The Blind Boat Maker. The story basically goes like this. There was once a Blind man on an island who had the ability to build boats. He grabs random parts and constructs a boat. After the boat was finished he pushed the boat out to the ocean. If the boat was a success it floated on the sea but if it was a failure it skunked to the bottom of the sea.  One day a boat visited the island and seen all the wonderful boats floating on the sea but didn't see the failures that sunk to the bottom of the sea while because they are failures. They aren't meant to be seen is the point. So the connection to Evolution is that nature creates Biodiversity by giving a different genetic code to every single organism through many different processes. The cool thing I thought about this story is that it can teach everyone a story about life and continuing on with your life after failure. So my readers remember that your  failures will always sinks but your successes will always float on my friends.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog 15 Independent Component 2 Approval

1. Describe in  detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

I plan to do again another lesson plan like I did foe my independent component 1. The difference between this second lesson plan and the first is that I plan to tackle more than just one concept in the book and attack the concepts more in depth. I will also be making additional worksheets, guided notes, Inquiry based problems and test to this Independent component with having in my answers to my EQ in mind.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

I will have my notebook from my last independent component in which I will write notes in the section. Writing notes for a section for me personally can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours if I am not familiar with the concept. I will be writing multiple pages of notes for multiple section so that will take about a good 1/3 of the 30 hours. I am also making the lesson plan itself which explains my plan of attack and what my students will be doing each day this takes my about a good 2 hours of work. I will also be making worksheets, guided notes,labs and test in which I will put a link in the my blog. This worksheets can take any where from an 1 hour to 5 hours to complete. This part will probably take up most of my time.

3. And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic more in depth.

I am basically putting myself in the shoes of an AP Biology teacher. I faced with the question of how can I best teach this concept so that my student will be ready for it when they encounter it in the AP Biology Examination. This will make me think of my first answer but get me thinking of a second and possible third answer.

4. Post a log on the right hand side of your blog near your other logs and call it Independent Component 2.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Blog 14 Independent Component 1


A ) I, Alejandro Espinoza, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

B ) The sources I used for my independent component are My Mentor Mr. Pittman, he showed me his lesson plan and looked over my notes and Cambell's 5th edition AP Biology Book which is where I got the information to help me make my lesson plan, guided notes and test.

C ) Okay Done.

D ) So for my independent component I decided to dissect section of the book and write out a plan of attack for the unit. I started by first reading the section then reread the section this time writing notes I then did a plan of attack on each of the concepts in the book. After each concept was completed I wrote down what I am going to teach my students each day. I then made guided notes for my students to fill out during my lectures. Finally I repeated the process for the next chapter.


Notebook Pictures - This contains my notes on the section, how i would tackle each concept and what and how would I teach my students each day.


Guided Notes Example- This is an example of how I did my guided notes for my unit.



My component helped my understand the foundation of my topic basically by showing me what teacher have to do when planning a new lesson. I understand that the amount of effort that a teacher put into his work will directly reflect how the students may do on their exam and eventually their final AP Biology Examination. I also learned how pack as much content as you can in a Day so that you could go to the next section more quickly a note to add is that time MUST be put aside for any possible questions or misunderstanding of the concepts.

Friday, January 31, 2014

How do I study for my Biology test?

Hello readers so sense for my independent component I dissected a section in a book and made a lesson plan and started making a test from scratch.  While making my test I wondered how if I was student studying for this test how would I do it so I started think how I personally how I  studied for my 10th grade Biology test and how can a teacher do little extra things to help the student. I remember personally that Biology tests required me to constantly read the information repeatedly and go through worksheets and notes I did all throughout the unit. Below are my personally top three study methods.

Guided Notes
Guided Notes are amazing. My Mentor ,Mr. Pittman uses them and I remember using something like them in my 9th and 10th grade Biology experience but also in my 10th and 11th history experience. Why are guided notes so great simple they require the student to listen to key words in a teacher's lecture but also once completed a student can cover up the answers and try to fill in the blanks while studying.

Essay Questions
Another awesome thing I remember what my mentor Mr. Pittman did at the beginning of my mentorship was making his students make rubrics for Essay questions. This is a great way to study a student can ask a teacher for essay questions or simply do a google search for questions. How does a rubric help a student simple it makes the student think okay if I was a  teacher grading this question what would I look for. Knowing what a teacher may want can help the student study more on topics that they think they need more help on.

Question Flash cards
This method I got from my sister's Biology teacher and that is making question based flash cards. A student get questions from a book, worksheet etc. and answer them, a note to take into consideration is a student could check answer with either a teacher,a fellow student or even the book. Once the Flash cards are made the student go through each question and answer it. This helps the student become go over questions repeatedly when they make and go through the flash cards again.

I personally used only one of these methods when I was in 10th grade Biology but if i knew about the other two methods i think I could have done way much better my 10th grade Biology tests all throughout the year. This actually will lead me to start getting research for information for my second answer which has something to do with teaching a student good study habits.

Blog 13 Lesson 2 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your lesson 2 presentation and why?

I am proud of my answer details I personally think I explained why Inquiry learning and how it helps a student prepare for the AP Biology Exam.

2a. What assessment would you give yourself on your lesson 2 presentation?


2b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the lesson 2 component contract?

I  personally think that I may had some problems with body language and eye contact during my presentation but other than that i think my volume was good and I actively keep on engaging the audience. My activity personally was decent, I had props such as my research and the learning pyramid and my power point was pretty well designed. I tried to cited all of sources but keep citing mentorship and the AP Biology exam, and forgot to site any other sources. I think my hook activity and EQ answer activity engage the whole audience and help them understand Inquiry alot more.

3. What worked in your Lesson 2?

My hook Activity and my Answer content?

4. If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?

I would have cited more sources other than mentorship and the AP Biology Exam.

5. What do you think your answer 2 will be?

An AP Biology teacher can best prepare a student for the AP Biology Examination through designing a class that prepares the student to break down questions for what they are asking for.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog 12 Third Interview Questions

1. How can an AP Biology teacher best prepare a student for the AP Biology Examination

2 How does Inquiry learning / hands on learning comprehend the knowledge being thought more effectively?

3. Do you personally believe that inquiry learning / hands on learning is a reliable way to teach a lesson if so why?

4. When making a lesson plan what is your ratio of lecture, labs, and  Homework/Classwork?

5. How much do you focus on the AP Biology book to help teach your students the content they need to know?

6. When making a year long lesson plan what is most important in your opinion to put in.?

7. When an AP biology changes and you have to make a lesson plan how would you tackle the topic.

8. Do you believe that testing a students knowledge through hands on exams, practicals are more effective then written test if so why, if not why not ?

9. Test are important to see how much knowledge the student has gained and comprehended how do you structure your test, do you include essays, multiple choice questions fill in the blanks.

10. Science is know as a social experience how much do you interact with other teachers to help get ideas for lessons and labs?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Blog 11 Mentorship 10 hours

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?

I am doing my mentorship at Ayala High School in Chino Hills

2.Who is your contact?

Mr. Pittman, AP Biology teacher

3 How many total hours have you done?

15 1/2 hours.

4. Summarize the ten hours of service you did.

I go every Monday Wednesday and Friday when I can to Ayala High School. I stay for roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes during the first 55 minutes I am in Mr. Pittman's class either watching him lecture the class or walking around with him while he help his students on work or labs questions. After that I usually talk to Mr. Pittman giving him an update on my senior project, talk about different topics related to my Senior project, and help him set up his class for the next day.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Blog 10 Senior Project, The Hoilday

1 What did you do over the break with your senior project.

Over the break my mentor recommended that I work on my independent component. I read my AP Biology taking notes and then stated breaking down the sections into a lesson plan that I can use. I then decided to do some additional research notes to put in my notebook both sources focused on Inquiry learning.

2.  What was the most important thing you learned from what you did and why?  What was the source of what you learned?

I learned more info on Inquiry labs which will soon become a common core standard. I also could say I learned how to plan a lesson based on the information that I, the teacher will be testing my students on. The source I learned Inquiry learning from was the California Journal of Science Education and a little bit of " Teaching Inquiry Science" by Anton E. Lawson.

3. If you were going to do a 10 question interview on questions related to answers of your EQ, who would you talk to and why?

I would like to Interview Mrs. Dee Ann Matthews, she was a Biology teacher for good amount of time. Even through she did not teach AP Biology the teaching methods she used to teach her class could easily help support one or more of my answers.