1) Integrating Inquiry based problems, assignments, Labs and Test into their Lesson Plan.

2) Incorportating assignments that call for students to consistently practice study skills.

3) Stimulating the AP Biology testing environment.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Blind Boat Maker - A Story About Failure.

Hello readers so today at mentorship my mentor, Mr. Pittman and I were talking about different topics related to what he is teaching in his class at the moment. We eventually got into a talk about genes and Mr. Pittman talked to me about a book called the "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins the book goes into depth on what evolution is. The story that Mr. Pittman brought up was the Blind Watchmaker but instead of going in depth on the story he said that he didn't like the way the story describes evolution. So he decided to change it to The Blind Boat Maker. The story basically goes like this. There was once a Blind man on an island who had the ability to build boats. He grabs random parts and constructs a boat. After the boat was finished he pushed the boat out to the ocean. If the boat was a success it floated on the sea but if it was a failure it skunked to the bottom of the sea.  One day a boat visited the island and seen all the wonderful boats floating on the sea but didn't see the failures that sunk to the bottom of the sea while because they are failures. They aren't meant to be seen is the point. So the connection to Evolution is that nature creates Biodiversity by giving a different genetic code to every single organism through many different processes. The cool thing I thought about this story is that it can teach everyone a story about life and continuing on with your life after failure. So my readers remember that your  failures will always sinks but your successes will always float on my friends.

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