1) Integrating Inquiry based problems, assignments, Labs and Test into their Lesson Plan.

2) Incorportating assignments that call for students to consistently practice study skills.

3) Stimulating the AP Biology testing environment.

Friday, January 31, 2014

How do I study for my Biology test?

Hello readers so sense for my independent component I dissected a section in a book and made a lesson plan and started making a test from scratch.  While making my test I wondered how if I was student studying for this test how would I do it so I started think how I personally how I  studied for my 10th grade Biology test and how can a teacher do little extra things to help the student. I remember personally that Biology tests required me to constantly read the information repeatedly and go through worksheets and notes I did all throughout the unit. Below are my personally top three study methods.

Guided Notes
Guided Notes are amazing. My Mentor ,Mr. Pittman uses them and I remember using something like them in my 9th and 10th grade Biology experience but also in my 10th and 11th history experience. Why are guided notes so great simple they require the student to listen to key words in a teacher's lecture but also once completed a student can cover up the answers and try to fill in the blanks while studying.

Essay Questions
Another awesome thing I remember what my mentor Mr. Pittman did at the beginning of my mentorship was making his students make rubrics for Essay questions. This is a great way to study a student can ask a teacher for essay questions or simply do a google search for questions. How does a rubric help a student simple it makes the student think okay if I was a  teacher grading this question what would I look for. Knowing what a teacher may want can help the student study more on topics that they think they need more help on.

Question Flash cards
This method I got from my sister's Biology teacher and that is making question based flash cards. A student get questions from a book, worksheet etc. and answer them, a note to take into consideration is a student could check answer with either a teacher,a fellow student or even the book. Once the Flash cards are made the student go through each question and answer it. This helps the student become go over questions repeatedly when they make and go through the flash cards again.

I personally used only one of these methods when I was in 10th grade Biology but if i knew about the other two methods i think I could have done way much better my 10th grade Biology tests all throughout the year. This actually will lead me to start getting research for information for my second answer which has something to do with teaching a student good study habits.

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